Friday, September 25, 2009


"Philosophy...Comes under the aegis of Thinking at the 17th level, where the supraconscious Brain is linked to........
........Leave me alone, do you understand? I have too much to think about, too much going about in my life, it's hell,You know,
I like him but he's so enamoured with me,it spoils my mood,takes away from the despair........"

Just like paint, which comes off when scraped slightly, peeling off to show a bland interior underneath the gaudy outward appearance
An artificially made-up image is only skin-deep,even less maybe. Yes, we all want to think we're way superior, humbled only
at times when we meet greater people,but there is this prevalent idea that putting on a pompous,holier-than-thou attitude
can win you respect in society. Irksome. Most of these so-called intellectuals, derive their amazing store of knowledge from
a handful of books, many of them paperbacks selling at a dozen for Rs.100 at railway stations. All kinds of amazing self-
improvement guides, wonderful spiritual upliftments, Impressive thoughts....Fraudulent, waxy,artificial in 99 out of 100 cases.
Gilded treasure chests, but empty inside....

Upliftment does not come from acting overly high-handed. Lift the self, the pettinesses, the monstrosities,the inactions,
Rid the angst, rise and shine, and there will be a day when True usefulness will fill you....

".................You know how it is with me, I detest such low activities, I'm sure I can do much better....Anna Karenina?Sure,
read it when I was eight years old, Some French author, isn't it? Antoine something?......"